Dear CCBCer

Welcome to IMMOVABLE, a week of prayer and fasting with CCBC. This comes in line with CCBC’s 64th-anniversary theme, ROOTED. It’s a picture of a tree battered by various challenges to its growth–forest fire, strong typhoon, pests, and diseases–yet it has overcome. Now it remains a towering symbol of strength and stability.
This is a vision of what CCBCers ought to be: a bastion of strength that comes from being rooted in Christ.  
One of the ways toward rootedness in Christ is prayer. Just as roots connect with the life-giving nutrients of the soil, prayer connects us with the Spirit of Christ that brings grace and life.  
Inasmuch as prayer (and fasting) is a very private exercise, we do it as a community of Jesus-followers. Just like individual trees grow deep roots along with the rest, CCBC becomes a forest of faith.
Let this week of prayer and fasting be a period when we prepare ourselves as a church for the challenges that will be ahead of us. May we learn to grow in grace, love, and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to encourage you to NOT do this prayer and fasting ALONE. Invite your small group friends or join one in doing prayer and fasting. Through your chat groups or online or onsite meetings this week, share and encourage one another to keep on to their fast.
The devotionals in this booklet are based on Ephesians 6:10-20. These are written to stir our minds in our personal meditation. It is a call to “stand firm”--to be immovable in our faith in Christ; to be vigilant and to be ready to engage as soldiers would engage in battle.  
Join the Breaking of the Fast fellowship on Saturday, July 29, at 7:00 AM at CCBC as we prepare to launch toward a new chapter in the life of CCBC as a church. As the LORD renews each of us, may our whole church community be renewed. God be with you.

Rev. Jorge De Ramos


This week of praying and fasting, may we:

  • Be closer to God as we become attuned to our hunger for His Presence,
  • Find guidance we need amidst a world of clashing issues we find ourselves in the middle of,
  • Break free from spiritual strongholds that hinder us from running after God purposes for our lives,
  • Repent from sinful desires, thoughts, and behaviors, and
  • Humble ourselves as a CCBC Family before our loving and Holy God.

How to make the most of the devotional guide:

  • Set a time and a quiet place for the next six days to meet with God in prayer and devotions for at least 30 minutes.
  • Bring your Bible, journal, and this devotional guide.
  • Set your mind to worship either by singing or by being quiet in your heart and mind. Follow CCBC’s Spotify for the worship playlist.
  • Pray for God to speak to you and as you meditate and pray.
  • Read the suggested Scripture passage carefully. Observe and note what words or images resonate with you. Use the reflection questions as a guide.
  • Jot down your thoughts. Turn it into prayer. Do the suggested activities and discover other spiritual practices you may not be as familiar with yet may help us connect with God.
  • Gather with your family or set time online or face-to-face with your small group to discuss and encourage one another as we journey together one day at a time.


The Devotional guide will be your daily companion as we talk through what it means to wear God’s full armor today.


Spotify Playlist

Enrich your prayer and fasting journey through meditative worship songs.


Share with Us!

Share with us your prayer and fasting experience!

At CCBC, we believe that stories of God’s work are meant to be celebrated. We also believe that God-stories also build the faith of the Family and encourage them in their own walks. If you experience any of these God-stories during this prayer and fasting week, send us your testimony and we’d love to celebrate and pray for you!

You may also share your story on social media and tag us on Facebook or Instagram and use the hashtag, #CCBCPause.