Church Planting
By: Ptr. Bot Abelado
When we received our mandate to go and make disciples of all nations in the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ, we can’t separate the thought of gathering disciples for corporate worship and for edification of the body.
I am thankful because in CCBC, we believe that ministry happens where CCBCers are—that the ministry is not confined in the four walls of the church at 111 West Ave. in Quezon City–but that it extends to every home and every community where a CCBCer is strategically situated by God.

Even at the height of the pandemic, most of CCBC Daughter Churches and Church Planting works continued and thrived. In fact, we started new church-planting effort in Albay, in the Bicol Region, through our very own Ptr. Jimmy Lustan, and celebrated its first anniversary earlier this year in March.
In Morong, Ptr. Joel Oguis, our worker in the area, didn’t stop house-to-house visitations since the place was confined in a bubble. People there can go around even when they can’t gather as a crowd.
Other CCBC outreach works were sustained by God and thrived despite great challenges and the global crisis brought about by the pandemic.
“…more ways to be part of God’s work in extending
His Kingdom here on earth.”
We are now praying for 2 more Church Planting endeavors. This means more avenues for growth for the church and greater ministry opportunities for CCBCers. It means more opportunities to share the Word, make disciples, and establish a place where people could be trained and equipped. It means more ways to be part of God’s work in extending His Kingdom here on earth.
We are praying for people like you who are willing to be part of the Church Planting work. You can join and be part of the Prayer Support Group, enlist in the next Short-Term Missions (STM) Exposure in these areas, or you may support our Church Planting efforts through finances.
“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,
but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see
the day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:25