Probe: Studying the Bible for Teaching and Preaching
Disciplers of the CCBC youth, young adults, men and women got together and invested in further training on how to study the Bible, in order to share it with their respective flock. They dedicated five Sunday afternoons of two-hour online interaction with homework in between. Here is what a mother and her daughter who are both disciplers shared about attending Probe.
Studying Probe is like looking at the Bible through the lens of a telescope. Borrowing from John Piper’s phrase, “We don’t look at God from a microscope which makes small things look bigger than it actually is.” Probe used a telescope that makes a big God begin to look as big as He really is. Going through this training helped me a lot to have a deeper and thorough understanding of the Scripture. It made me realize that my daily SOAK (Scripture, Observe, Apply, Kneel) devotion barely scratches the surface of the treasure underneath it. Probe guided me to have a right interpretation of the Scripture and developed sound principles that are doctrinally correct. And the best part is the application which is challenging. But I am inspired by their words of encouragement that although “I cannot be diligently applying everything but I can conscientiously apply some things.”
— Emie Mañanita
discipler to the women
Attending Probe is a whole new ballgame for me. I got excited looking for the main idea and logical layout which helped me a lot in looking for the right context in any Bible passages I will encounter. What struck me the most is that “there is only one interpretation of the Bible but many principles and applications may be derived from it.” This will definitely guide me in studying God’s Word and will keep me from making mistakes in the future. I also developed a high respect for our pastors and leaders for all the time and effort they have put to come up with great messages every time. I will share what I have learned with my disciples by using the observation, interpretation and application process in teaching them our Bible study lessons.
– Christine Mañanita
discipler to the youth

NextGen Shepherds Convergence
NextGen is a monthly gathering of disciplers of the youth and young adults of CCBC. Realizing the challenges the lockdown brought, relevant topics such as “Digital Outreach,” “Mental Health Awareness,” “Basic Counseling,” and “Transparency and Accountability,” were explored and well-embraced by the disciplers who persevere amidst the pandemic.
4-Chair Discipling Online Training
Usual training sessions spearheaded by the Discipleship and Training Department are now translated online. 4Chair Discipling is one of them. This first-ever five 2-hour session online training was attended by 25 participants from 5 churches. Indeed, this pandemic caused us to enlarge our borders and helped build other churches as well. All for God’s glory as we teach believers to walk as Jesus walked.