My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude every time I think of the disciplemaking leaders that God has raised up in CCBC. Leading and serving people can be joyful and challenging at the same time, but you have faithfully followed the Lord despite the changing seasons.
This year, we have seen the world dramatically taking a turn and, inevitably, our lives along with it. Uncertainties have ridden us all with worries about how to move forward, but still you have responded to the call to depend on the Lord’s strength more than ever, setting aside your own struggles and showing further your love for others in the process.
Leading and serving people can be joyful and challenging at the same time, but you have faithfully followed the Lord despite the changing seasons.

Your stories reflect that of the example of Jesus, as mirrored by His disciples as well. He Himself went through ups and downs, as He was making committed disciplemakers out of His followers. Yet, motivated by His love for the Father (Jn. 14:31) and giving Him glory (Jn. 17:4), Jesus relentlessly pursued the Father’s will (Mk. 10:45, Jn. 6:38) and work (Luke 2:49). The writer of Hebrews even commented that He learned obedience from the things that He suffered (Heb. 5:8, NLT). Down the line, we see His disciples replicating the same so much so that the “…word of God kept on spreading and the number of the disciples continued to increase” (Acts 2:41; 2:47; 4:4; 5:14; 6:7; 9:31; 11:21,23; 12:24; 13:49; 16:5; 18:8; 19:20; 28:31).
I am confident that God is glorified as you continue obeying, during these hard times — keeping on Jesus’ footsteps as you love Him (Mt. 22:37-38, Mk. 12:28–30), and as you pursue His will (Mt. 16:24, Lk. 9:23) and His purpose for us (Mt. 22:39, Mt. 28:18-20).
Your sacrifice of service will not go unnoticed. Thank you so much for helping us take care of God’s flock because of your devotion to Him.
Together, as a family called by God, let us stay committed to see the nations reached and the Great Commission finished. Always remember:
Every CCBCer a leader.
Every leader a shepherd.
Ministry happens wherever CCBCers are.