“No sounds?!”
One Sunday morning, the comment sections in all CCBC channels and my messenger inbox were filled with messages about an audio error during the Livestream Worship. It was the first major technical audio glitch that happened since the online worship began. Panic arose. But we, the Livestream Team, did our best to remain calm and find quick solutions, “There seems to be an issue with sound for the Praise and Worship portion. As we wait, we encourage you to focus on the words of the soundless lyrics and meditate on these truths as our act of worship!”

It was a moment of silence. As the lyrics were flashed on the screen, we followed the Filipino Sign Language Interpreter in singing. Then it dawned on me, “Oh. This is how it feels for the Deaf Community to worship.” They hear no sounds but they can worship God from the heart through sign language in harmony with the Spirit. That morning, we learned something new about worshipping God together with the Deaf Community.
“Sunday Worship Services are temporarily suspended until further notice.” When the Government announced the ECQ in early March, it was the same panic. The Worship Ministry had to re-configure another way to do worship gathering. With a lack of livestream experience, limited equipment, but holding on to prayers and teamwork, CCBC was able to produce its first livestream in a matter of 3-4 days of preparations. Only by God’s grace.
Technical issues, pandemic crisis, they happen.
But worshipping God continues.

Such setbacks have given me a whole new perspective on what truly matters in worship. “Does worship depend on our personal preferences of music? Of glitz and glamour? Are we still able to worship God even without the live band? the building? the equipment?” Perhaps God sometimes allows crisis to expose our heart of worship.
Perhaps the sudden transition to online worship reminds us not just to sit and watch but truly engage with the Sovereign God starting from the position of our hearts. Perhaps setbacks reveal God’s set-ups of coming to Him not solely to receive for our needs, but to come with a heart so eager to worship Him, even with soundless lyrics and empty halls. Perhaps God is telling us afresh to step down from the chair, clear the stage, allow the Holy Spirit to intervene, and declare, “Praises, honor, and glory be to God!” no matter the circumstance.
“God is Spirit and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
—John 4:24