by Rev. Jorge De Ramos
The Lord declares in Revelations 21:5, “I am making everything new…” God is in the business of renewing his church through eternity. It would always be a fresh start. We see 2022 as a fresh start for CCBC to pursue Christ-likeness and Christ’s commission for the church. The COVID-19 pandemic was truly disruptive but we believe in the renewing work of God for His people.
Thus, we proceed with our theme from Job 23:10, “He knows the way I have taken; when He has tested me, I will emerge as pure gold.” We take the pandemic as a renewing experience that we have to go through. We resolve to turn out as God wanted us to be.
Hence, we will pursue the 10 year Vision Canvas the LORD gave to CCBC in 2019. It represents the values and mission of CCBC expressed and projected for a 10-year period. Of course, some ways of doing things will have to change but the vision remains. Click here to see a video summary of the CCBC Vision Canvas (CCBC Greater – YouTube).
For the year 2022, we will give emphasis on the following elements of the canvas, namely, (1) fostering a safe place for healing and restoration, (2) multiplying LifeGroups, (3) replicating CCBC (church planting), and (4) setting up adequate facilities.
CCBC Key Result Areas for 2022
By the end of 2022, we pray that we will celebrate with 22 new small groups, 122 baptisms and 2 new start up church plants.
Our ways may have changed due to the pandemic, but our mission, vision and values remain the same as we have an unchanging God, the Alpha and the Omega.

Rev. Jorge De Ramos
Pastor Jorge is the Senior Pastor at Capitol City Baptist Church.