by Wealth Boydon
The Homemakers, our life group, decided to sign up when CCBC’s Life Essentials offered the Walk Through the Bible’s Chiseled. We anticipated an exciting journey in discovering how Simon Peter was transformed to become a strong leader and we were not disappointed. The insights of the pastors/facilitators provided deeper understanding of the mentoring methods of Jesus and the life experiences they shared are useful in our disciplemaking. The experience was extraordinary and enriching! Our group was granted the privilege of staying together in one breakout room for all of the six sessions. This setup afforded us the chance to interact as a life group and process what we learned. Familiarity, as a result of having been part of the group for a long time, gave us a clearer perspective of one another’s needs and how to meet them. Knowing the level of involvement and commitment of each one helped us make clearly defined plans to help prepare and equip those among us who are potential shepherds. It was natural for us to be open and honest in expressing our opinions because trust had been built. We adhered to the life group’s no-holds-barred policy for discussions. The guarantee that you would be with your life group during the breakout session was especially appreciated because it eliminated the nervous anticipation of spending time in the breakout room with someone you do not know. The experience is truly valuable and unforgettable! Truly, CCBC’s Life Essentials is teaching every CCBCer to cultivate habits of grace centered on Bible study and how to live it out! The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad!
Life Essentials is our Adult Sunday School that provides training and seminars for CCBCers to grow in their walk with God. This happens every Sunday from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Pastor Bot Abelado
Pastor Bot is an associate pastor at Capitol City Baptist Church, and is focused on leading our Witness, Missions, and Outreach Ministries.